Our flameless gas burner technology along the entire process chain.

Heat is needed for the production and processing of metals for malleability, liquefaction or for the transport of the liquid material.

Conventional heating and heating systems mainly use gas burners with open flame (e.g. ladle fire). However, this process is very inefficient and uneconomical due to the high energy consumption.

promeos® therefore offers individual heating solutions with flameless gas burner technology. This technology is used in heating systems developed individually by promeos®. Existing heating systems can be retrofitted or expanded with burner technology – energy-efficient, economical, productivity-enhancing and environmentally friendly.


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The gas burner technology from promeos® is used in the following applications

  • Melting furnaces
  • Casting, transport and treatment ladles
  • Casting tools and moulds
  • Casting filter boxes
  • Resins heating
  • Treatment ovens
  • Weld preheating
  • Preheating of tools
  • and much more …

Using the example of a casting process:

integration where it creates benefits.

Drying and preheating of ladles

Heating system for preheating of casting molds

Launder heating system

Learn more about solutions for the metal industry.

Dr. Baris Ates

Call us:
Dr. Baris Ates
+49 911 377 367-0

If you want to know more, take a look at our brochure on homogeneous and efficient heat.