Increase sustainability and flexibility in the foundry with innovative technology and smart process design!
The article “FOUNDRY 4.0: An innovative technology for sustainable and flexible process design in foundries” by the ETAL project partners, published at the “29th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering”, underpins our heatelligence credo: The best available technology combined with know-how leads to optimal and energy-efficient solutions with convincing work results. This was proven once again in the ETAL research project:
For this purpose, the promeos® heatdock and promeos® mpot technology was combined with a novel recuperation burner, which reuses the exhaust gas heat for preheating. The positive effects of the very homogeneous heat distribution without hot spots and the outstanding energy efficiency of the promeos heatdock and mpots could be further increased in this way.
Specifically, a reduction in specific energy consumption by 55% and a reduction in gas consumption by 66% were demonstrated in the practical trial in the foundry:
The full article can be read and downloaded in PDF format here.
The ETAL project (development of novel technologies, plant components and logistics for energy-efficient production in light metal foundries) pursued the goal of significantly reducing primary energy consumption in non-ferrous casting production and thus the pollutants emitted, while at the same time significantly increasing both casting quality and production flexibility and, all in all, reducing production costs and protecting the environment. The project partners LGL Leichmetallgießerei, Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg and promeos GmbH would like to thank the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection for funding the project.