Energy-efficient shrink tunnels to minimise the overall carbon footprint of organic products
A customer in the baby food sector is not only focussing on sustainability for its products: the carbon footprint of the products is calculated, unavoidable emissions are reduced as far as possible and the rest is more than offset. We are delighted that our customer has been using promeos® burner technology in the area of thermal processes in shrink tunnels for 10 years, the best ecological and economical heating solution and realising optimum energy efficiency for this application!
The systems were also recently converted by promeos® to run on liquid gas. The promeos® burner technology allows quick and easy conversion to use a wide variety of fuel gas types and is therefore also the first choice in terms of supply security and flexibility! The outstanding energy efficiency remains unaffected. This means that the thermal processes are also optimised for the future in terms of their CO2 balance.
You too can become an energy, cost and CO2 saver! Contact us to find out more about shrink tunnel heating and other heating solutions from promeos®: We know heat – always the best heating solution in terms of energy and ecology for an optimised and maximally sustainable heating process!